Funérailles de la Haute-Senne

Rue Léon Hachez, 28
7060    Soignies (Belgium)

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Photo 862842Madame Nicole GOSSETMadame Nicole GOSSET
of Soignies (7060, Belgium)
+ 05/12/1936 - 29/01/2025
Photo 862305Madame Georgette GOFFINMadame Georgette GOFFIN
of Neufvilles (7063, Belgium)
+ 26/09/1941 - 25/01/2025
Photo 862356Madame Janine SIRAUXMadame Janine SIRAUX
of Neufvilles (7063, Belgium)
+ 18/08/1938 - 25/01/2025
Photo 860492Madame Sonia ISAACMadame Sonia ISAAC
of Soignies (7060, Belgium)
+ 07/03/1944 - 17/01/2025
Photo 859539Monsieur André VOSMonsieur André VOS
of Neufvilles (7063, Belgium)
+ 24/07/1937 - 12/01/2025
Photo 859487Monsieur Bruno BUYMonsieur Bruno BUY
of Soignies (7060, Belgium)
+ 13/07/1959 - 11/01/2025
Photo 858022Madame Flora BOSSARTMadame Flora BOSSART
of Neufvilles (7063, Belgium)
+ 10/04/1931 - 05/01/2025
Photo 857372Monsieur Freddy CORNILMonsieur Freddy CORNIL
of Masnuy-Saint-Jean (7050, Belgium)
+ 29/02/1960 - 01/01/2025
Photo 855404Madame Gabrielle DE QUICKMadame Gabrielle DE QUICK
of Bruxelles (Uccle) (1180, Belgium)
+ 20/04/1930 - 23/12/2024
Photo 854729Monsieur René PETIT JEANMonsieur René PETIT JEAN
of Braine-le-Comte (7090, Belgium)
+ 03/05/1936 - 18/12/2024
Photo 854458Monsieur René DALMonsieur René DAL
of Soignies (7060, Belgium)
+ 13/09/1929 - 17/12/2024
Photo 853646Madame Marie DANVOYEMadame Marie DANVOYE
of Soignies (7060, Belgium)
+ 23/04/1950 - 12/12/2024
Photo 853501Madame Arlette DECASTIAUMadame Arlette DECASTIAU
of Braine-le-Comte (7090, Belgium)
+ 18/04/1940 - 12/12/2024
Photo 853631Madame Louisa FOUCARTMadame Louisa FOUCART
of Neufvilles (7063, Belgium)
+ 29/09/1928 - 12/12/2024
Photo 851370Madame Simone COLLARTMadame Simone COLLART
of Neufvilles (7063, Belgium)
+ 27/11/1928 - 29/11/2024
Photo 850644Madame Claire PARYMadame Claire PARY
of Naast (7062, Belgium)
+ 01/03/1940 - 24/11/2024
Photo 848160Madame Edith MARTENSMadame Edith MARTENS
of Braine-le-Comte (7090, Belgium)
+ 30/04/1931 - 08/11/2024
Photo 845317Monsieur Paul GOSSETMonsieur Paul GOSSET
of Soignies (7060, Belgium)
+ 11/03/1928 - 21/10/2024